Single Nummer fünf vom aktuellen Looptroop Rockers Album ist draußen. Sweep Me Away/Blow Me Away ist gleich eine Doppelauskopplung. Looptroop Rockers über die Songs:
„‚Sweep Me Away‘ is one of the more suggestive and dark tracks on the ‚Professional Dreamers‘ album. It’s a love song, but it also paints a picture of a cold world where liberal individualism has become our prison, and where we have a hard time reaching each other for real. ‚Blow Me Away‘ is the continuation of ‚Sweep Me Away‘, or the part of the song where all doubts and walls get blown away. The main characters in the video are, apart from Looptroop Rockers, Malmö’s roller derby team Crime City Rollers. As birdlike creatures the move through time and space, between hope and despair – through concrete, metal, glass, garbage…“
Anzeige: Looptroop Rockers mit „Sweep Me Away“ und „Blow Me Away“ bei Amazon kaufen
Foto: Screenshot aus Video