Promoe – Ya Slippin‘ – Video & Download

Promoe beschert mit der Regelmässigkeit eines Uhrwerks jeden Monat mit mindestens einem Song. Aktuell „Ya Slippin‘„, zu dem er selber schreibt:

I did a video for a song called ‚Ya Slippin‘, that I made as a teacher in a hiphop school. The students‘ assignment was to make a song that could have been on, for example, Nas‘ Illmatic or any of the legendary hiphop albums through the years. They were to study the styles and, not copy, but more to make something in that spirit. I tried myself – with EPMD’s Strictly Business – and this is the result. It was a tough assignment, and I don’t think this song sounds like it could’ve been on that album – but it gave me inspiration anyway.

Ya Slippin‘ gibt es hier als MP3 und als WAV.

Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit Promoes neues Album „KRÃ…KSÃ…NGEN“ vorzubestellen, sowie seinen ersten Song auf spanisch Porqué Rapeo“ runterzuladen.

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