Seit gestern gegen 15 Uhr sah meine Website für alle Besucher so aus:
Bis heute 17 Uhr hat sich das Bild nicht verändert. Wodurch auch immer, was er verboten auf die Seite zuzugreifen. Der Support meines Webhosters war auch sehr ratlos und hat es erst nach 6 Anfragen geschafft das Problem zu beseitigen. Man riet mir dort ernsthaft eine Datei namens index.html im Hauptverzeichnis abzulegen. Für die Interessierten hab ich das ganze mal kopiert und hier eingefügt. Ich bin im folgenden innovativen Support-Chat „you“. Ausserdem habe ich einige Zeilen kommentiert. Fehler im englischen sind äh natürlich extra gemacht worden.
Los gehts am Montag 27.11.2006 so gegen 16/17 Uhr:
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚XXX‘
XXX: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is XXX. How may I assist you?
you: Hi, I got a problem. I have no access to the server.
XXX: May I know your domain name please?
you: FTP access is possible
you: I think 1 or 2 hours ago, it was pssible to access with browser
XXX: The index file should be placed in the ‚root directory‘.The root is the directory which you first come to when using an FTP client. The index file is the file which is displayed when you enter your domain address in a web browser
you: Yes, I got an index file. it is called index.shtml
XXX: no
XXX: it has to be index.html index.php index.htm or index.asp
you: But it worked with index.shtml for 2 years!
you: …but ok, I´ll test it and will upload now a index.html without „s“
XXX: yes
XXX: it should work
you: and…tata…it did not work
XXX: why?
you: I dont know. I only got the message, „403 Forbidden“: You don’t have permission to access / on this server.
XXX: please try using the file manager
you: Sorry, but I got only Linux and no Internet Explorer, so the file manager does not work
XXX: try using any ftp program then
you: Ok, I tried it with my ftp programm. I uploaded an index.html file. I deleted index.shtml. But the problem is still there.
XXX: tis strange
XXX: make sure the file you are uploading is the right index.html file
XXX: try to rename the first file diferently
you: well I think it is NOT a problem with the index file. I even could not access to my pictures
XXX: the browser you are using may cause you this
you: ok… < - Alles klar mein Browser wäre als schuld! An dieser Stelle reicht es mir
you: bye
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚XXX‘
XXX: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is XXX. How may I assist you?
you: Hey XXX! My domain is still unaccessable
XXX: Hi there
you: and iit is NOT 1. a problem with index.html oder index.shtml and 2. not my browser
XXX: The index file should be placed in the ‚root directory‘.The root is the directory which you first come to when using an FTP client. The index file is the file which is displayed when you enter your domain address in a web browser.
you: Yes, same answer as last time….
XXX: moment
you: Is it possible that my account is restricted?
XXX: keine index.html file
XXX: you have one index.shtml
XXX: this is wrong
you: No! I have renamed into index.html and then nothing happend. There was still the same error
XXX: using which program?
you: gFTP
XXX: so its a problem with index.html file then?
you: now it is named inde.html
XXX: please, try using the file manager
you: index.html
XXX: no
XXX: not now
XXX: i am in your ftp space
XXX: there is any index.html file
you: Yes, me too
XXX: im not lying
XXX: please use the file manager
you: I could not use the file manager, because I have no Microsoft Windows and no Microsoft internet Explorer
XXX: i see
XXX: you cnanot get it?
XXX: try the file manager
XXX: if it doesnt work, try using any ftp program
you: and I think it is not a problem with the file. Is my account blocked?
XXX: can you tell me which is your real index.html file?
XXX: no
you: Hmmmm….
XXX: can you tell me which is your real index.html file?
XXX: is it index.shtml?
you: yes
XXX: are you sure?
you: It is written in SSI and XHTML and it worked for 2 years but something happened today. So since 4 hours it did not work anymore
you: well now index.shtml is renamed to inde.html
XXX: it has to be index.html
XXX: we do not support ssl
you: no not SSL
XXX: ok, sorry
you: ho, I lost the x in index.html, when writing it here
you: SSI=Server Side Include < - Hier muss ich dem Mitarbeiter die Programmiersprache SSI erklären
XXX: ok
you: Ok, give me 5 minutes, I´ll try it with the file manager….just going to another pc
XXX: ok
XXX: i transfer you to my collegue now !!
you: ok
XXX: danke
Chat InformationPlease wait while I transfer the chat to ‚ABC‘.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚ABC‘
you: I uploaded with the File Manager an index.html file. Index.shtml is deleted. But nothing changed
you: Oh, sorry, do you know the problem?
ABC: yes, you are using SSI?
you: yes
you: and it worked the last 2 years at b-one or now only ONE
ABC: If that is the case the file that you include via SSI needs to be named .htm and the file which include the file needs to be named .shtml < - ...das weiß ich auch! Hat ja auch jahrelang ohne Probleme funktioniert!
you: but today, I got only 403 forbidden errors
you: yes
you: and I had an index.shtml in my directory
you: XXX said, that I have to upload a new index.html file. It did not work
ABC: Do you still have your old index file?
you: yes
you: but why did everybody think, that it is a problem with the index file? I could still not access to my pictures.
you: every file a 403 forbidden file
ABC: Hold on please
you: ok
you: perhaps my account is blocked, but I don´t know why.
ABC: I have refreshed your domain name, then allow a couple of hours. If it still does not work, you will need to send an email to so we can forward your case to our technical department
you: ok
you: thanks
ABC: You are welcome.
ABC: Please feel free to contact us again for any further assistance. Good Bye and have a nice time.
Di. 28.11. 12.32
Chat InformationWarten Sie bitte bis ein Operateur antwortet.
Chat InformationSie reden jetzt mit ‚XYZ‘
XYZ: Hallo, willkommen beim Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Du: Hallo XYZ, ich hab ein problem mit meiner Domain
XYZ: ja
Du: Ich habe an dem Code nichts geändert, aber seit gestern nachmittag habe ich immer einen 403 forbidden Fehler.
Du: So, euer support hat gesagt, es läge an meiner index.html Datei
Du: Ich hab das jetzt entsprechend euren Anweisungen geändert.
Du: Aber es funktioniert trotzdem nicht
Du: Ausserdem müsste ich trotz fehlerhafter inde.html doch trotzdem auf andere Dateien wie z.B. Bilder zugreifen können oder?
XYZ: Sie müssen eventuell ein paar minuten warten, bis die ÄNderungen in Kraft treten
XYZ: wir können leider keinen Support hinsichtlich Scripts, Programmierung u.ä. anbieten < - Danke für die Standardantwort!
Du: Ja, klar
Du: Ich habe aber definitiv nichts an dem Code verändert.
Du: Seit gestern nachmittag funktioniert das auf einmal nicht mehr
XYZ: wenn Ihre Indexdatei fehlerhaft ist, können auch die anderen Dateien nicht auf der Seite gezeigt werden
XYZ: wir haben keine Änderungen an Ihrer Seite vorgenommen
Du: ja….aber mit fehlender Index.html, wird doch sonst die Standard Datei, die b-one-default.html angezeigt.
XYZ: nicht, wenn Sie eine fehlerhafte Indexdatei haben
XYZ: die Indexdatei ist case-sensitive und darf deshalb nur Kleinbuchstaben enthalten
Du: ja das hat sie
XYZ: wir können Ihnen wie gesagt leider nicht mit Programmierung und Scripts helfen < - Schiebt das Problem nur zu mir!
XYZ: Sie können evebtuell Hilfe in einem Computerforum finden
Du: Ok, super. Wenn ich was verändert hätte, wäre ich mir ja auch einer Schuld bewusst. Aber so, weiß ich nicht, woher das aufeinmal kommt.
Du: Ich werd jetzt meinen ganzen Webspace runterladen und löschen.
Du: Dann eine „reine“ index datei hochladen
Du: wenn das dann nicht funktioniert, meld ich mich wieder
XYZ: viel Erfolg mit Ihrer Seite
Du: ja danke
XYZ: Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Chatsupport benutzt haben. Sie können uns bei weiteren Fragen gerne erneut kontaktieren. Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag.
13.00 bis 13.42
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚XXX‘
XXX: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is XXX. How may I assist you?
you: Hi XXX, nice to talk to you again. I still got this problem with my website
you: Do you remember? I got a 403 forbidden error
XXX: of yesterday?
you: yes
you: Everybody said, I have to change my index.html
you: but nothing changed with the error
XXX: you did?
you: so, now I deleted my whole directory and uploaded the default files, form b-one
you: there is now the index.html that is made by your company
you: but it still does not work
you: Am I to stupid? < - bzw. seid ihr es vielleicht?
XXX: Please hold on while I check
XXX: but this index.html file doesn’t contain anything?
XXX: this file has to contain something < - Alter, das weiß ich auch! Ich mach das schliesslich seit 6 Jahren!
XXX: your main page
XXX: you can go to the web creator for example
you: yes, there is only a text like: this domain is hosted by
XXX: make one file and upload it, and then you will see it in your website
XXX: yes
you: Because there is a text inside, I should see it now, but I can not see it!
XXX: please try a diferent file
XXX: shall i try something?
you: Please!
XXX: moment
you: …ok
XXX: its strange
XXX: i copied the file index.html in the ftp space
XXX: but its not working < - Na endlich merkst du mal, daß es nicht an mir liegt!
XXX: even when you open it you find anything
you: Yes, that´s what I´m saying since yesterday
XXX: no one else accessed your ftp space?
XXX: its like you have no permition to do any change right?
you: No
you: yes
you: Is it possible to reset my whole account?
XXX: it worked now
XXX: what do you mean?
XXX: since when is it happening?
you: since yesterday 16.00
you: I got still 403 forbidden
XXX: i see
XXX: i will try it later
XXX: i will try more
you: Ok.
XXX: please get back to us in one hour
you: Strange
you: Ok thanks!
XXX: we will see
XXX: yes
XXX: you are welcome
you: see you in 1 hour
you: bye
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚USW‘
USW: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is USW. How may I assist you?
you: Hi, I talked one hour ago to XXX and she said, she is trying to resolve my problem. So, should I talk to her or do you know the problem?
USW: Hi there
USW: I do not know the problem if you can explain me again or else i will transfer the chat to him
you: Oh I´m sorry, I thought XXX is a woman…hehe
you: Please transfer me!
USW: Sure
Chat InformationPlease wait while I transfer the chat to ‚XXX‘.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚XXX‘
XXX: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is XXX. How may I assist you?
you: Hi XXX, here am I again.
you: you remember
XXX: ja
you: Are you still working at this problem or is it solved?
XXX: i just checked the status in denic and everything is ok
XXX: i had work
XXX: i could not try the web creator
XXX: but i will do it as soon as possible
XXX: you can let me your e mail address i will send u an e mail to let you know
you: Ok, so you are working on this problem. Fine!
you: ok my mail is:
XXX: yes
XXX: i will let you know
you: ok
you: thanks
you: bye
XXX: ok
Chat InformationPlease wait for a site operator to respond.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚USW‘
USW: Thank you for using 24/7 Interactive Online Support. My name is USW. How may I assist you?
you: Hi please transfer me to XXX
USW: Please hold on
Chat InformationPlease wait while I transfer the chat to ‚XXX‘.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with ‚XXX‘
XXX: hi
you: Hi XXX, here am I again
you: thanks for your mail
you: I deleted htaccess
you: but nothing changed
XXX: nothing?
you: Is it pssoble for you to reset my account? I mean that it is empty like a new installation of my webspace.
XXX: wait
XXX: can you try now
XXX: it has to be reset
you: I´m sorry, but I got still a forbidden message
XXX: please allow some time
XXX: maybe it should take a litlle time
you: Ok
you: ah!!!!
you: I got a site! < - Endlich funktioniert der Mistladen!!!
you: Thanks!
you: I´ll now trying to upload my old files.
you: bye
Ich sag‘ da nur: Furioses Spektakel.
Wenn’s nicht so traurig wäre, könnte man d’rüber lachen.
Tja mit Leuten vom Support kann man sich schon ewig rumärgern. Ich hoffe sowas kommt nicht mehr vor. Ansonsten wäre ich ganz dankbar über einen vernünftigen neuen Hoster.
Der Name „Support“ hat hier wohl seine Aufgabe verfehlt. Mein Beileid, aber amüsant wars allemal!